Weddings at St Andrew's
Marriage Service
We are delighted you have chosen to get married and are interested in St Andrews Cronulla, the Elephant House, which has always been a popular church for weddings. We are very happy to share in the joy of your special day and we want to do all we can to ensure your marriage is long-lasting, and filled with much joy. We use a Christian marriage service, where personal things can be introduced by the Bride and Groom into the traditional service.
In preparation, we encourage wedding couples to attend a pre-Marriage course with us.
Please telephone/eMail the office to discuss your date and time. You can download a copy of our wedding information pack here.
The fee for a wedding in St Andrews Cronulla is $1,000, to include: the preparation with the minister, administration, wedding rehearsal, the marriage ceremony, organist, church set-up and cleaning and artificial flower decorations.
Payment is made via EFT, cheque or cash to the Church Office.
Account Name: St Andrew’s Anglican Church Cronulla
BSB: 032 052 ACC No: 319204
Please clearly reference your payment. (Name) Wedding Fee
St Andrew's Cronulla Office: Tel: (02) 9523 5124 e: